Dr. Marian Kennedy is an associate professor within the Clemson University Department of Materials Science and Engineering. She is dedicated to providing high quality and impactful educational and research experiences for early career scientists and engineers. To achieve this, she has built an experimental laboratory in which her students study the evolution of plastic deformation that occurs in metal when subjected to either sliding or normal loading. Together, Dr. Kennedy and her students work to understand how the structure of these metals influences their performance in extreme environments and disseminate their work in jointly authored journal publications.
As an engineering education researcher, Dr. Kennedy has initiated and collaborated on projects related to discipline specific self-efficacy, research identity and influence of undergraduate research program participation. She has also contributed to lowering barriers for transfer students into engineering programs and providing instructor fellowships for doctoral candidates.
Her favorite part of being an academic is working on problems at the intersection of disciplines. She continues to partner with researchers in complimentary fields, such as bioengineering, to jointly explore the responses of natural materials including spider silk and enamel.

- Ph.D., Washington State University
- M.S., Washington State University
- B.S., Washington State University
Recent Courses Taught
- MSE 8900 Metallic Materials Research Seminar
- MSE 4280/6280 Phase Diagrams
- MSE 3100 Introduction to Metals and Ceramics
- MSE 2100 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
- ECAS 1990 (301) Preparing, Finding and Applying for Your First Research Experience
Recent Awards and Honors
- Grand Challenges Faculty Fellow, Clemson, 2020-2022
- Murray Stokely Award for Excellence in Teaching, Clemson University College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Science, 2017
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Nanophase Materials Science Executive Committee Chair, 2016
- Phil and Mary Bradley Award for Mentoring in Creative Inquiry, Clemson, 2013
- Byars Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Clemson University, 2013
Contact Dr. Kennedy
Email: mskenne at clemson dot edu
Mailing Address:
Dr. Marian Kennedy
c/o Dept. Mat. Sci. & Eng., Clemson Uni.
Sirrine Hall, Rm. 161 Clemson, SC 29634